Friday, August 29, 2008

The 2008 Football Season is About to Begin!

I can tell you that Mommy is most excited. Tomorrow USC starts to play football again. Mommy loves her USC Trojans -- so much so that I am named Tommy Trojan! Here's a picture of Mommy with her USC friends, she's the one on the right. And, here is a picture of the USC campus in Los Angeles.

Tomorrow's game is in someplace weird called Virginia. I don't know where it is. I just hope that the Trojans whomp those Cavaliers. I know I will get some good treats if they do.

Mommy and I are going to Uncle Bill and Aunt Leslie's for the game. Mommy is going to put some USC stuff on us both. She got Gabrielle (the tiny human) a little USC onesie so she will be properly attired for the game. I guess Mommy thinks that we should start getting kids into USC football young.

Okay, that's it for tonight. I am going to need a lot of sleep since Mommy will be a little nutty during the game tomorrow. She always barks a lot when the Trojans play!

Fight On!!!

1 comment:

River said...

Hard to believe it's that time of year again. We're for the Vols here. That would make a dumb dog name though...

love & wags,