The Life and Times of Tommy Trojan - an Extraordinary Beagle
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I enjoy great literature (please don't tell other male dogs, ok?)
Mommy caught me. I fell asleep reading one of her stories -- and I liked it! It has lots of romance (and I LOVE romance). In fact, I have a sweet Labrador girlfriend named Lucy....but I digress and a gentledog never tells.
I love good books -- sometimes I eat them. That makes Mommy mad at me, so I've learned it's better to read or sleep on them.
I am Tommy, a most extraordinary beagle. My human, whom I call Mommy, adopted me when I was 12 weeks old. I've had a pretty exciting life so far and I am looking forward to sharing my adventures with you.
For me a good book means it's tasty. My mom has to keep them up out of my reach. It takes a real dog to admit he love to read romance!
love & wags,
Woof Tommy
Hey it's nice to meet you. We don't care if you like books. The boy dogs in our house (Norman and Toby like books, they think they're very tasty too)
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside The Fence
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